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The Danbury Review

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Danbury Catholic Takes Tree Decorating Downtown

    The Danbury Catholic School student body, their teachers, and other staff bundled up last week and headed to First Security Bank. There, they placed ornaments which were made in class on a tree designated as their tree. This has become a tradition enjoyed by students and bank staff.
    Photo submitted by DC School. Thank you!

Danbury Catholic Fills Homes with Christmas Greenery

    The beginning of the month brought a wonderful Christmas scent to the gym at Danbury Catholic School. The school held its second annual poinsettia and wreath sales. This year they added larger planters ready to put outside and DIY packages to make your own planter decorations. Garland was also available to purchase.
    Julie Hamann, the brainchild for the project, stated that sales far exceeded last year's pilot project with Christmas greens. Before patrons picked up their purchases, half of the gym was filled with rows of red, white, and multicolored poinsettias filling tables.
    To the left, Dale Drees inspects one of the planters, ready to find a home.

MVAOCOU Holds National Honor Society Induction

    The induction of the new National Honor Society members and a small reception were held on Monday, December 9th in the MVAOCOU Commons.
    To become an NHS member, students must have a 3.0 gpa or higher and exhibit leadership and good character and provide volunteer service to the community. Candi­dates were required to fill out an application which includ­ed references from teachers and community members.
    Congratulations to the students.

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